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Long multiplication worksheet – 2-digit by 2-digit KS2 activities

What's included?


Key Stage



Years 3-6


Long multiplication is a key skill for KS2 students. This engaging long multiplication worksheet and games pack will help your students build fluency and confidence in your classroom. The activities combine fun, problem-solving and challenge to help children master this essential concept.

Whether your pupils are just starting with long multiplication or need an extra challenge, the mix of activities ensures every child can succeed.

Long multiplication worksheet

Long multiplication worksheet

The included long multiplication worksheet includes both grid calculations and word problems.

The problem cards introduces real-world problems. These scenarios show students the practical value of long multiplication, making learning meaningful and memorable.

Long multiplication games

There are also activities that turn long multiplication into exciting games that children will love. In the first, students have to choose five digit cards and a decimal point, then make two numbers out of their cards. After multiplying them together, the person who is closest to 100 wins.

It’s a perfect way to blend strategy and practice, helping pupils understand number sizes and multiplication outcomes.

The second game builds on this, encouraging friendly competition as players solve calculations to get three in a row on the supplied grid.

Children will learn to break down multi-step problems while strengthening their ability to apply multiplication in context – a crucial skill for SATs and beyond.

White Rose Education offers in-depth training programmes, clear, practical resources and bespoke support.

Long multiplication worksheets
Long multiplication worksheet – 2-digit by 2-digit KS2 activities
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