PDF lesson plan on local history for KS1.
Years 1-2
Instead of far-flung places, try engaging pupils in the past through their own familiar spaces. This local history KS1 lesson plan from Bev Forrest will support you on how to enable your KS1 pupils to successfully explore their immediate locality.
Based on a study of Small Heath Park near the centre of Birmingham, the suggested approaches provide a model for you to adapt the learning opportunities to your own local park.
Local history is still the Cinderella of the subject in many primary schools. It’s frequently completely forgotten at KS1, and in KS2 (if included at all), it’s often just a brief reference in a more general topic on the Victorians or Tudors.
You don’t necessarily need to introduce pupils to ‘wow’ places like castles and stately homes. Don’t overlook the amazing potential for learning right on your doorstep.
Local history KS1 learning objectives
- Identify features that have changed and those that have stayed the same since the park was first opened
- Suggest reasons why these changes occurred
- Begin to understand why the park is a significant place in their locality
- Use visual sources of evidence to reach conclusions about their area in the past
Bev Forrest is a primary teacher trainer. She is chair of the Historical Association Primary Committee and author of Rising Stars History.