9 PDF activity resources and 2 PowerPoint Presentations
Years 3-6
This Little Inventors resource pack explains what inventing is and gives you all you need to deliver a workshop about all kinds of ingenious inventions.
By promoting creative thinking and problem-solving skills, this Little Inventors resource offers many opportunities to link to several curriculum areas in primary schools, including art, D&T, science and literacy.
Learning objectives
- Understand that inventions are all around us
- Understand that invention is a way to create solutions to problems or challenges
- Identify potential problems/areas where an invention could be useful
- Make hypotheses and evaluate invention ideas
Learning outcomes
- Generate ideas for inventions
- Articulate and communicate ideas in drawing, writing and speech for an audience
- Plan and evaluate writing
- Start using scientific methodology through making predictions, planning and evaluating
Little Inventors lesson structure
- Get started (5-10 mins)
- Character profiler (10-20 mins)
- Mind mapping (10-20 mins)
- What’s your invention? (20-40 mins)
- Round-up (5-15 mins)
Little Inventors is a creative education organisation that inspires imagination by taking children’s amazing ideas seriously. Find out more at littleinventors.org.