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SecondaryHealth & Wellbeing

STI lesson – Get the message across about contraception and STIs

What's included?

PDF lesson plan

Key Stage



Years 10-11

Discussing contraception and STIs is never easy – but these ideas should help get the message across.

Parents talk about ‘having that difficult conversation’ and it is evident that some feel extremely uncomfortable about speaking with their offspring about sex and any related associations.

It is not necessarily that teachers feel any more at ease – but after all, in our profession, every day is a performance! We need to approach the topic of sex subjectively, trying to avoid any personal opinions and suggestions; delivering the facts and not being judgemental.

This lesson plan, which is perfect for Sexual Health Week, has been designed to teach young people about the dangers of STIs and give them some advice on contraception.

Why teach this?

Research has identified that highly effective sex education in schools can affect multiple behaviours and achieve positive health impacts. This session reinforces with learners the need to make informed choices.

Curriculum links

Mr Alec Laing is assistant vice principal at Nightingale Academy (teaching and learning), an advanced skills teacher and specialist leader of education.

Contraception and STIs lesson plan
STI lesson – Get the message across about contraception and STIs
SecondaryHealth & Wellbeing
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