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Assessment for learning examples – Editing & assessing lesson

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PDF lesson plan

Key Stage



Years 10-11


The assessment for learning examples and activities in this KS4 English lesson combine active learning, independent study and self/peer assessment. Encourage your learners to edit and improve their own work by empowering them to assess others’ writing.

All of these assessment for learning elements are universal to the entire curriculum, meaning you can easily implement these assessment for learning examples in any classroom.

These assessment for learning examples allow you to easily show progress at periodic moments in the lesson. Learners can also clearly see where and how they’re making progress.

In addition to this, the amount of teacher-lead minutes is minimal and students have an element of choice and take 100% ownership over their own work.

Starter activity

Leading up to this lesson, introduce students to the following two articles. Each presents conflicting views regarding the influence of violent video games on teenagers’ behaviour:

  1. “Playing violent video games may have an effect – but it can’t be the scapegoat”
  2. New study connects violent games with lower self-control among teens

Condense the opinions of the second article into a table, with each box containing a bullet-pointed summary of the writer’s opinion.

Show students the table and ask them to look at it silently for 20 seconds while writing absolutely nothing. When the 20 seconds are over, ask students to independently recall the information in a blank copy of the table. Repeat this process for each bullet point.

Differentiate for SEN and lower ability by writing the opinions on the students’ version of the table but with words missing from the sentences. This reduces the amount of information students need to recall.

Jennie Saliba is head of English at Ormiston Venture Academy. Browse more KS4 English lesson plans.

Assessment for learning examples
Assessment for learning examples – Editing & assessing lesson
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