This mega KS3 maths questions PowerPoint features slides of questions on a range of topics. Answers are included.
Algebra KS3 maths questions
- Brackets
- Two brackets
- Solving equations
- Collecting like terms
- Simplifying
- 2-sided equations
- Simultaneous equations
- Solving simultaneous equations graphically
- Factorising
- Curved graphs
- Sequences
- The nth term
- Quadratic sequences
- Substituting
- Formulae
- Quadratic equations
- Factorising quadratics
- Algebraic fractions
- Trial and improvement
- Inequalities
- Laws of indices
- Parallel and perpendicular lines
- Finding the gradient
- Writing expressions
Browse more KS3 algebra resources.
- Area of circles
- Circle theory cyclic quads
- Sine rule
- Angles on parallel lines
- Reflection
- Circumference
- Circle theory tangents
- Cosine rule
- Angles in polygons
- Area of triangles
- Perimeter
- Sine and cosine rules
- Interior and exterior angles
- Translation
- Circle theory double angle
- Sin and cos
- Trig – missing angles
- Polygons – finding sides
- Rotation
- Circle theory – triangles
- Sin, cos and tan
- Angles in a triangle
- Construction
- 3D Pythagoras
- Circle theory – angles connected by a chord
- Angles on a straight line and around a point
- Worded Pythagoras
Data KS3 maths questions
- Mean
- Tree diagrams
- Cumulative frequency
- Scatter graphs
- Stem and leaf diagrams
- Mead, mode, median and range
- Median and range
- Mutually exclusive events
- Sample space diagrams
- Reading bar charts
- Sampling
- Reading pie charts
- Box and whisker plots
- Relative frequency
- Mean from tables
- Listing outcomes
- Drawing pie charts
- The probability scale
- Drawing bar charts
- Mean from group tables
- Histograms
- Probability as fractions
- Adding and subtracting decimals
- Factor trees
- Finding %
- Multiplying and dividing decimals
- Percentage increase
- Limits
- Directed numbers
- Ratio
- Multiplying and dividing fractions
- Reverse percentage
- Adding and subtracting fractions
- HCF and LCM
- Ordering fractions
- Standard form
- Multiples
- Rounding up
- Direct proportion
- Equivalent fractions
- Indirect proportion
- Ordering decimals
- Rounding sig fig
- Factors
Ben Cooper is headteacher of an SEMH independent school. Browse his TES page at Coops Online and follow him on Twitter at @bcoops_online. We also have Key Stage 3 maths worksheets for the whole curriculum.