This 31-page KS3 history worksheets pack is perfect for uploading to your online learning platform or printing out to give to pupils.
Use these KS3 history worksheets as separate homework tasks or use the booklet as a standalone activity.
KS3 history worksheets
These worksheets cover the following topics for KS3:
- Tudors
- Normans
- WW1
- Bletchley Park
- Religion
- Causes of WW1
- English Civil War
- Treaty of Versailles
- Appeasement
Specific worksheets include:
- Battle of Hastings end of unit quiz
- Norman England history question tree
- Battle of Hastings essay question
- Causes of WW1 end of unit quiz
- Causes of WW1 history question tree
- Outbreak of WW1 essay question
- Design the Palace of Westminster
- Religion under the Tudors end of unit quiz
- Tudor monarchs history question trees for Edward VI and Henry VIII
- Tudor church essay question
- History of voting rights sorting activity
- Causes of the English Civil War history question tree
- Treaty of Versailles history question tree
- Appeasement history question tree
- Battle of Hastings essay improvement ideas
- WW1 essay improvement ideas
- Religion in tudor times essay improvement ideas
- Magna Carta fact sheet and comprehension questions
- Magna Carta knowledge test
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