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KS3 English games – Editable templates and resources

What's included?

PDFs and editable PowerPoints

Key Stage



Years 7-9

Incorporating KS3 English games into your lessons is an awesome way to inspire students to make choices, unleash their creative thinking and share ideas with their peers.

The resources on offer in this download will help students delve deeper into their understanding of characters, events and themes.

KS3 English games resources

This download contains editable and printable resources for the following games:

  • Bingo – Get four punctuation or grammar answers in a row to win
  • Charades – This idea helps students show their breadth of knowledge
  • Yes/no – Guess the word on the card via yes/no questions
  • Dominoes – Use these as a revision tool to support the topic or novel you’re concentrating on
  • Guess who? – Students ask yes/no questions to identify a character from the novel you are reading
  • Snakes and ladders – Students land on spaces and answer questions about a text you’re reading or a topic you’re studying

Use the editable PowerPoint versions to type in your own questions and keywords, so you can tailor these games to exactly the topics you want to focus on.

Alternatively, for a low-tech option, print out the blank PDF versions, fill in your questions or keywords by hand then photocopy the sheets.

If you want to save time, why not ask AI software to come up with suitable questions which you can then edit for suitability?

Read the full instructions for these KS3 English games and browse more ideas.

Meera Chudasama is an English, media and film studies teacher with a passion for design and research, and has developed course content for the Chartered College of TeachingFollow her on Twitter at @MeeraChudasama. Browse more SPaG games.

KS3 English games templates and resources
KS3 English games – Editable templates and resources
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