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SecondaryThe Arts

KS3 drama lesson plan – Explore fame and celebrity culture

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PDF lesson plan

Key Stage



Years 7-9


Take students on a dramatic journey into the world of fame and celebrity culture with this KS3 drama lesson plan…

We live in a world of Snapchat and Instagram, where students are constantly seeking ‘likes’ and aspiring to emulate the latest celebrity trend. This KS3 drama lesson plan addresses this ‘culture’ and also develops pupils’ understanding of what is possible within a devised piece of drama beyond naturalism.

Give students the opportunity to experiment with how this strategy can be implemented in performance.

KS3 drama starter activity

Students enter to find a chalk outline in the centre of the room. Inform the class that this is the spot where Millie Moore passed away.

She was a 22-year-old ‘star’ who has tragically died. Ask the class to place themselves in the world of Millie Moore, considering how they might have known her.

Create a sociogram with Millie Moore’s outline in the centre: each student uses the proxemics of the space to indicate the ‘closeness’ of their character’s relationship with Millie. Thought tap each student, asking, “How did you feel when you heard the news?”

Alex Harris is a teacher of drama at The Spires College in Torquay.

KS3 drama lesson plan
KS3 drama lesson plan – Explore fame and celebrity culture
SecondaryThe Arts
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