This download contains a KS3 geography scheme of work about changing landscapes. It also contains a list of geographical threshold concepts and a knowledge development document.
Staff at Broadway Academy created them when redeveloping their geography curriculum offering from scratch.
Changing landscapes example SOW
This Year 8 example scheme of work covers 16 teaching hours. The lessons are as follows:
- How do I think like a geographer?
- Map camp 2.0
- How is the Earth made?
- How do Earth’s plates move?
- An Icelandic disaster
- Protecting Hawaii
- How does water move?
- How do rivers erode?
- What hapens when rivers lose their power?
- Saving Mississippi
- How to revise
- Assessment
- What causes flooding?
- Infiltration study fieldwork – data collection / data presentation / conclusions
The document displays each lesson’s learning objectives, as well as the geographical skills covered and national curriculum links.
The document also features a geographical terms glossary and ideas for:
- Building cultural capital
- Geographic enquiry/practical geography
- Extended reading for students
- Teacher CPD
Threshold concepts
This document covers the following geographic threshold concepts, and sets out what a geographer should be able to do:
- Scale
- Patterns
- Process
- Interaction
- Change
- Sustainability
- Place
- Critical
Geographical knowledge development document
This sets out different geographical knowledge themes and what students will learn, split up into year groups.
Jack Cockayne is head of geography at Broadway Academy in Perry Barr, Birmingham.