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Coastal erosion – Active learning ideas for KS3/4 geography

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Key Stage

KS3, KS4


Years 7-11


Physical geography processes such as coastal erosion and transportation can be difficult concepts for some students to comprehend. Traditionally, we teach these by learning key words and their definitions, and then drawing a diagram to represent each type of process.

However, this approach does not always enable all students to understand the differences between them, and some learners can struggle to recall the information at a later date.

By using an unusual and/or fun activity to convey the relevant information, we can offer students a different and more engaging way of learning these concepts. We can also make them more memorable, as human beings have a tendency to hang on to a recollection of things that stand out from the norm or are funny.

The use of movement (or kinaesthetic learning) is a powerful way to develop students’ comprehension of key words and concepts in geography. The aim is to enhance learners’ understanding of geographical processes by acting them out.

Coastal erosion starter activity

The aim of this learning activity is for students to understand the four different methods of how the sea can erode the land. The students will need to be able to explain what we mean by ‘erosion’ and ‘coast’ beforehand.

You may want to start with an image of a stack and some arches. Ask the students to speculate how they were formed as a starter activity.

Use Coastal Erosion Kung Fu to physically demonstrate the four methods of coastal erosion. You will need to display the four methods, with their geographical definitions. Then ask your students to stand up (I also opt for them to put their ties around their heads for extra effect), and teach them the moves.

Coastal erosionKung Fu move
Hydraulic ActionMake punching movements with hands. This demonstrates the force of the sea hitting the cliffs.
AbrasionMake a throwing gesture with hands like you are throwing dealing cards (or shurikens) very rapidly. The weapons represent the rocks striking the cliffs.
AttritionMake two fists, and then bring them towards each other, hitting each other. Then open your hands to resemble the stones breaking.
CorrosionHave arms out stretched in front of you, waving your fingers, and moving arms downwards. Sound effect of something dissolving is needed.

Kung Fu style sound effects as you act these out are entirely optional, but do add to the atmosphere!

As a plenary to this learning activity, you can use questioning to see if the students understand the different methods. You can ask what the different body parts or movement represent; or enquire as to what the different coastal erosion methods are and allow them to use the movements as an aide-memoire.

Terry Portch is head of geography at All Saints Catholic School in Dagenham.

coastal erosion lesson plan
Coastal erosion – Active learning ideas for KS3/4 geography
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