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Forces and magnets Year 3 – Science medium-term plan

Abby King
by Abby King

Birmingham primary teacher and writer

What's included?

Three-page medium term plan PDF, plus accompanying worksheets and Powerpoint

Key Stage



Year 3


This six-week forces and magnets Year 3 series of lessons focuses on giving children an understanding of what makes objects move and how.

Plan author Abby King has devised a range of activities for effective and engaging learning using different materials and the character Traction Man from the book of the same name by Mini Grey.

We’ve produced a range of free resources to make delivery of this medium-term plan as easy as possible. Both the plan and the resources are included in this download.

Forces and magnets Year 3 learning objectives

  • Understand that forces are pushes and pulls which can make things move, stop or change shape
  • Make systematic and careful observations
  • Compare how things move on different surfaces
  • Set up simple practical inquiries, comparative and fair tests
  • Understand that some forces need contact, but magnetic forces can act at a distance
  • Observe how magnets attract some materials and not others
  • Compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of whether they are attracted to a magnet and identify some magnetic materials
  • Use results to draw simple conclusions and suggest improvements
  • Describe magnets as having two poles
  • Describe points on a compass
  • Observe how magnets attract or repel each other
  • Predict whether magnets will attract or repel each other, depending on which poles are facing
  • Report on findings from enquiries, including oral and written explanations, displays, or presentations of results and conclusions
  • Record findings using simple scientific language, drawings, labelled diagrams, keys

Abby King has worked in KS1 and 2 and currently teaches at an inner-city primary school in Birmingham.

Forces and magnets Year 3 resources
Forces and magnets Year 3 – Science medium-term plan
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