Can you make a circuit from salt dough? This free lesson plan from Whizz Pop Bang magazine’s Kirsty Williams is a great way to introduce circuits and symbols in KS2.
This lesson is designed to be completed in two parts. The first half involves playing a circuits game and can be done while other children are creating salt dough for the second part.
The circuit game will help children learn electrical circuit symbols and will reinforce the fact that electricity needs a complete circuit in order to flow. Pupils will use these symbols later in the session to explain how a salt dough circuit works.
Download accompanying resources, including a Powerpoint presentation, the circuit game board and three science texts from
What they’ll learn
- Use recognised symbols when drawing circuits
- Explain how the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer can be changed
- Collaborate in a small group to plan a scientific enquiry
- Question and problem solve
Kirsty Williams was a primary teacher for 18 years and now heads up educational projects for Whizz Pop Bang, an award-winning monthly science magazine that comes with an accompanying selection of teaching resources that link hands-on science experiments with curriculum topics.