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Character descriptions – KS2 creative writing lesson

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Two-page PDF lesson plan

Key Stage



Years 3-6


Write your own character descriptions of imaginary people and aspects of their lives with this KS2 lesson plan from John Dabell…

In the second century AD, the Syrian satirist Lucian of Samosata wrote True Story. This is the earliest known science fiction travel tale. It describes going to outer space, alien lifeforms and interplanetary warfare.

Moon People by John Dabell does just that by picking up where Lucian left off. It expands ideas and describes in further rich detail more and more about the surreal citizens of the moon and their lifestyles, culture, and society.

For this lesson, children will draw on Moon People to inspire their own writing. They will create their own descriptions of moon people and moon life.

Character descriptions learning objectives

  • Write in the voice and style of a text
  • Write independently for purpose, pleasure and learning
  • Make stylistic choices, including vocabulary, literary features and viewpoints/voice

Starter activity

Explain that Moon People is a surrealist fantasy book and belongs to the science fiction genre. It describes a fictitious race of non-human people and portrays every aspect of their lives on the moon such as what they look like, what they eat, how they behave, their plants, animals, weather, environment, music, sport, hobbies, festivals, health, traditions and much more besides.

The book has been written as a humorous guide for space tourists so that they know how to behave when they get to the moon and what to expect when they explore the moonscapes and craters.

Read and explore the included edited extract from Moon People. Model reading the story in a lively, punch and chatty style.

John Dabell is an experienced primary teacher and the author of 40 books.

KS2 Literacy Lesson Plan – Write Creative Character Descriptions Of Moon People
Character descriptions – KS2 creative writing lesson
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