This fun, practical and engaging instructions KS2 lesson from Julianne Britton will prove to be a favourite among pupils…
The lesson focuses on identifying and using the organisational and grammatical features of instructional writing.
Children will write a set of instructions after making their very own cup of Frobscottle, from Roald Dahl’s The BFG.
Many pupils look back on this lesson as one of their favourites and it’s a fun one to teach. In its entirety, this lesson is quite long but you can easily shorten it if necessary.
Before teaching the lesson, ensure you have practised making Frobscottle and you have purchased the required quantities of ingredients, as well as checking for any allergies among your pupils.
Start here
Prior to teaching this lesson, ensure your class have read chapter ten of The BFG. This provides some context for the lesson and a hook for learners in the form of the Whizzpop-inducing Frobscottle.
To begin the lesson, share various examples of instructional writing on the tables. In groups, pupils will then attempt to identify and locate the features. You can give some children labels to add to their text. You can ask others to write their own labels.
Briefly discuss some of the features identified before beginning the main part of the lesson.
Instructions KS2 learning objectives
- Take appropriate notes to help plan a piece of writing
- Discuss the structure, vocabulary and grammar of instructional writing
- Use simple organisational devices
- Use a range of appropriate verbs (including imperative verbs), conjunctions, adverbs and prepositions
Julianne Britton is a qualified teacher with eight years’ experience and owner of where she offers downloadable teaching resources and private tuition services. Follow her on Twitter at @juliannebritton. Browse more Roald Dahl Day resources.