Plan a range of superhero-themed activities around the book Kid Normal, an award-winning title by Radio 1 DJs Greg James and Chris Smith…
What is Kid Normal about?
Murph is a pupil at a secret school where everyone has an awesome power. Mary can fly, Charlie’s eyes emit heat rays and even Hilda can conjure tiny horses from thin air.
But Murph can’t do anything. He’s boring old Kid Normal and things aren’t looking good, until evil man-wasp Nektar takes over the school and Murph is forced to step up. Can Kid Normal save the world?
Why teach it?
Written by Radio 1 presenters Greg James and Chris Smith, Kid Normal won the First News Funny prize in the Teach Primary Book Awards. It has been a runaway hit with audiences, reluctant readers included.
But there’s more to this book than fast-paced jokes and irreverent remarks. Alongside the storytelling zing and superhero silliness comes a sensitively crafted subplot about fitting in and finding your place.
This is a book with a great big heart, and one that’s well worth putting at the centre of creative cross-curricular projects.
Starter activity
Before starting Kid Normal, examine the picture on page 259. What’s going on? Could these children be superheroes? Why or why not?
Pool your knowledge about superheroes: they have special powers, fight villains, occupy secret hideouts, use gadgets.
Next, look at the cover of Kid Normal. Are these characters superheroes? Why or why not? Do you recognise them? What kind of powers do they have? Why do you think the two pictures are so different?
Share the book, giving your class an absorbing and enjoyable experience, then discuss your reactions. Who would you recommend this book to, and why?
What makes Kid Normal funny? Collect quotes to display in your book corner with a collection of joke books and other funny stories.
Carey Fluker Hunt is a freelance writer, children’s books ambassador and creative learning consultant. She is a founder member of Seven Stories, the National Centre for Children’s Books, where she was creative projects manager for many years. Browse more recommended KS2 books for topics.