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PrimaryArt & Design

William Morris KS2 – Art medium-term plan

What's included?

3-page medium-term plan PDF

Key Stage



Years 3-6


This William Morris KS2 unit fits in perfectly with work around the Victorians. There are also aspects that could also be adapted to learning around the theme of homes in KS1.

The series of lessons build towards children producing and evaluating a final piece of work using printmaking. It follows a clear structure, involving several lessons of research and experimentation followed by designing, creating and evaluating a final print.

At the end of each session, encourage pupils to evaluate how effective their work has been and to think critically about anything they could improve or challenges they came across.

William Morris KS2 learning objectives

  • Learn about the work of William Morris
  • Use drawing to collect examples of William Morris’ style
  • Use viewfinders to carry out observational drawings
  • Try a range of techniques to show light and dark
  • Explore how to create monoprints
  • Explore how to use different surfaces to show texture
  • Design and make a collagraph printing tile
  • Create a collagraph print

Sophie Merrill is an assistant headteacher, Y3 teacher and art lead. Find Sophie on Twitter at @merrillteaches. Browse more KS2 art ideas.

William Morris KS2 medium term plan
William Morris KS2 – Art medium-term plan
PrimaryArt & Design
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