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PrimaryArt & Design

Self portraits KS2 – Six-week medium-term plan

What's included?

KS2 medium term plan, sentence starters, worksheets, templates and additional resources

Key Stage



Years 3-6


In this six-week self portraits KS2 series of art lessons pupils will find out about a range of famous artists. They’ll also learn how to draw faces using correct proportions.

Throughout the lesson series, children will create a number of artworks, including a ‘split face’ portrait, transient portraits from objects and a Picasso-style face focused on colour.

They’ll also get to grips with shading and the symbolism of portraiture. We’ve provided everything you need to get started straight away.

Begin by introducing your class to the topic of portraits. Discuss what a portrait is. This may also be a good time to talk to children about portrait and landscape in terms of the orientation of paper.

Do children know of any famous portraits? Share a selection of portrait images on each table. Children can work in groups to discuss which ones they like or dislike and why. Use our sentence openers (included in the download) to help.

Self portraits KS2 plan

Through this project, pupils will:

  • Draw a portrait using the correct proportions
  • Complete a ‘split face’ self-portrait using a photo
  • Create a portrait from a range of unusual objects
  • Use different pencils to create a range of tones
  • Create a portrait inspired by Picasso
  • Use colour to portray emotions
  • Recognise symbolism in portraits

This download contains:

  • Full PDF medium term plan
  • Sentence starters
  • Worksheets
  • Templates
  • Additional resources

Julianne Britton is a qualified teacher with eight years’ experience, author of educational resources and a private tutor. Follow her on Twitter at @juliannebritton. Visit her Miss Britton website. Browse more KS2 art ideas and ideas for Children’s Art Week.

Self portraits KS2 lesson plan
Self portraits KS2 – Six-week medium-term plan
PrimaryArt & Design
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