Use this KS1 grammar lesson plan to build descriptive sentences with the help of graphic novels…
We’ve all fallen into the trap of asking a child to improve the detail in their writing or extend their sentence, only for them to say they don’t know how.
Using pages or images from graphic novels, comics and manga, you can empower your students and provide them with the support they need to create more powerful writing.
Too often people are afraid to utilise these mediums. However, children love the opportunity to use a visual prompt bursting with life.
KS1 grammar learning objectives
- Create expanded noun phrases
- Apply both subordinating and coordinating conjunctions to their work
- Join words and clauses
- Use commas in lists when using more than one adjective
Starter activity
Giving children an opportunity to explore the page or panels of text you have chosen is vital. They will need time to look at the details and events taking place.
Make sure you choose a page that suits your task; it needs to be visually appealing but some can be too busy for readers.
Having a small group or class discussion about what you can see and what is happening will help them to feel confident about the text and prepare them for the writing to come.
Using imagery in this manner can be very empowering for writers but it can also be distracting, so giving them the chance to ask questions and enquire is essential.
Richard Ruddick is a Year 6 teacher at a junior school in Norfolk. He aims to engage and develop pupils’ English skills using comics and graphic novels.