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The Cat and the King – KS1 planning ideas

Carey Fluker Hunt
by Carey Fluker Hunt

Creative learning consultant, writer and former teacher

What's included?

PDF of cross-curricular ideas

Key Stage



Years 1-2


The Cat and the King by Nick Sharratt is a gently humorous novel that will appeal to children who like stories reflecting themselves and their concerns, yet still appreciate a touch of quirky eccentricity.

This PDF contains lots of KS1 cross-curricular ideas, all based on The Cat and the King.

What is The Cat and the King about?

If your house had been destroyed by a fire-breathing dragon, where would you go? The cat and the king opt for Number 37, Castle Close, which involves quite a bit of downsizing, not to mention a complete change of outlook.

With the cat’s support, the king learns how to do the really important things (like washing-up and waiting in queues). And although he misses his banquets and his marching band, the cat lays on a programme of activities with a suitably royal flavour and everyone is happy.

Until the dragon reappears, that is, and threatens to blowtorch everything. Will there be another ‘incident’? Or will an unexpected hero save the day?

The neighbouring family has some useful talents that might come in handy, and – spoiler alert! – the peril is soon averted.

Starter activity

Talk about homes in your neighbourhood. What’s the most unusual accommodation you’ve spotted? Where do your children live? Does anyone remember moving house?

Show pictures of castles. Who used to live in them? What might it be like to live in a castle (and be a king)?

There are 12 chapters in this book, so you can read several in one sitting or spread them out. Settle down together when everyone’s alert and you won’t be interrupted, and make sure you have time to explore the illustrations and discuss your reactions as well as reading the text.

Carey Fluker Hunt is a freelance writer, children’s book ambassador and creative consultant. Browse recommendations for more than 20 excellent KS1 books, with planning.

The Cat and the King KS1 planning ideas
The Cat and the King – KS1 planning ideas
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