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PrimaryHealth & WellbeingPE

Olympic values – KS1/2 PE & PSHE lesson plan

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2-page lesson plan PDF

Key Stage

KS1, KS2


Years 1-6

There is no shortage of inspirational stories from Olympic history that we can use to engage, excite and enthuse primary children. Here, we have focused on just one of the seven Olympic/Paralympic values – excellence – and have a number of activities for you to choose from.

Students will:

  • find out about the journey of the Olympic flame
  • learn the Olympic values
  • discuss the virtues of people you admire
  • debate what virtues make someone admirable

Olympic values starter activity

For younger children, a fun way to begin an Olympic lesson is with the arrival of the Olympic torch. Play some celebratory music befitting the games, as some of the older children in the school arrive in your classroom, dressed in sports kit, carrying the torch.

Ask your class if they know what the older pupils are carrying. Why has it arrived? Give the older pupils the chance to tale part in a hot seating activity. They can give information (you may need to brief them on this) to your class about the importance of the Olympic flame.

The flame travels from Olympia in Greece to the host city, discovering new cultures and customs along the journey.

For older children, you can begin the lesson by talking to them about the people you admire. If I were doing this activity, I would talk about my dad, the best teacher I ever had, and our school caretaker who the children all know well.

Ask the children who they admire for the reasons you have explained (e.g. striving to achieve excellence).

Tom Donohoe is headteacher at Anton Junior School. Browse more Olympics teaching resources.

Olympic values lesson plan
Olympic values – KS1/2 PE & PSHE lesson plan
PrimaryHealth & WellbeingPE
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