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Judaism KS2 – lesson plan on Jewish ‘festival of trees’ Tu Bishvat

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Key Stage



Years 3-6

Explore the Jewish ‘birthday of the trees’ and make links to caring for our world with this Judaism KS2 lesson plan…

Tu Bishvat (or Tu B’Shvat) is an annual Jewish festival. Originally a minor celebration, it has recently grown in importance within the Jewish community.

In this lesson pupils will investigate what happens during the festival and a key story that underpins it. From this they will consider the concept of ‘tikkun olam’ and how Jewish people try to mend the world.

The learning here will enable pupils to reflect on how a particular religious community views the natural world and our relationship with it.

Judaism KS2 learning objectives

  • To identify three ways in which Jewish people might celebrate Tu B’Shvat
  • Understand how following the idea of ‘tikkun olam’ can make a real difference to how a Jewish person might live
  • Reflect on why the festival of Tu B’Shvat might be becoming more important for Jewish people

Starter activity

Begin by asking children to reflect on the importance of trees. Can they make a list or mind map of as many ways as possible that trees help humanity and the planet?

Elicit ideas such as fruits, seeds, wood for construction and furniture, taking in carbon dioxide, and providing shelter and habitats for animals, among others.

Ask pupils to consider how long trees take to grow, and what care they might need. Next, show pupils a clip introducing Tu B’Shvat.

Can pupils identify what Jewish people might do to mark this festival?

Adam Robertson was a primary teacher for 14 years and now works as an Adviser for RE Today which supports NATRE, the professional association for RE teachers. Follow Adam on X at @Ad_Robertson.

Judaism KS2 – lesson plan
Judaism KS2 – lesson plan on Jewish ‘festival of trees’ Tu Bishvat
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