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Romeo and Juliet KS4 – Impulsive behaviour series of lessons

What's included?

146-slide PowerPoint

Key Stage



Years 10-11


This Romeo and Juliet KS4 resource features a series of lessons that work towards a controlled assessment question to consider the impulsive behaviour of Romeo and Juliet, and the impact of this upon the audience.

How does Shakespeare present the problems created by the impulsive behaviour of one or two characters within the play?

This series of lessons from English teacher Kat Howard will guide students to writng a response to the assessment question above.

Learning objectives

  • Recognise the impulsive behaviour of Romeo and Juliet within the play
  • Apply your knowledge of impulsive behavour to a written explanation
  • Identify and analyse examples of Romeo’s impulsive behaviour within the play
  • Apply single word analysis skills to writing a response
  • Draw from different areas of the text to support ideas
  • Respond to and improve a PEZAL analysis of Romeo’s impulsive behaviour
  • Analyse the events at the ball to evaluate the effect of others’ impulsive behaviour
  • Consider the impact of people’s behaviour upon the audience
  • Explore Shakespeare’s presentation of marriage within the play
  • Consider the importance of honour and pride for an Elizabethan audience
  • Consider the significance of Juliet’s soliloquy within the play
  • Explore the use of status and expected respect within the play
  • Consider Shakespeare’s use of soliloquy to show both characters’ indecision
  • Explore the features of a succesful conclusion

Kat Howard is an English teacher and an East Mids Representive for the MTPT Project. She is also the founder of (@LitdriveUK) which helps English teachers connect and share resources. Check out her blog at and follow her on Twitter at @saysmiss. Browse more Romeo and Juliet teaching resources.

Romeo and Juliet KS4 resources
Romeo and Juliet KS4 – Impulsive behaviour series of lessons
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