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GCSE English speech – Craft 15-second mini-speeches

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PDF lesson plan

Key Stage

KS3, KS4


Years 7-11


Get your students perfecting their persuasive powers with this free GCSE English speech lesson plan…

We’ve all met those students you can hear minutes before they turn the corner of the corridor. Often, the one sure way of silencing them is inviting them to talk to the class.

Whether in a small group or in front of everyone, expressing ideas in GCSE English can be daunting to students. Speaking to others is absolutely crucial out in the real world though.

The ideas in this lesson plan will get everyone chatting, so all students have the opportunity to speak.

Splitting the class into groups is a good way of ensuring every learner – from the shrinking violet to the motor-mouth – has a chance to make a speech and, importantly, to listen.

Why teach this?

From politics to production, science to sales, technology to – yes – teaching, great oratory is the key to success.

Students who can engage with others, who can engage others, and who can debate brilliantly will be at a massive advantage as they make their way into the world.

Starter activity

At the start of the lesson, display this line on the board at the front of the class: “We do not have to accept the world as we find it”.

Give your GCSE English students five minutes to think about how to deliver this line in a speech, discussing in their groups.

Depending on the class size, perhaps individuals can deliver the line, while other students critique this. Repeat the activity with the lines: “I am a passionate believer in free speech” and “We will do everything we can to help you”.

In addition to discussing how these lines should be delivered, get students to think about how the audience is likely to react to these lines and why these words have been chosen. The use of pronouns is striking.

Stu Fink is in his third year of teaching English. He teaches at All Saints Catholic School in Barking and Dagenham. Browse GCSE English speaking and listening topics.

GCSE English speech lesson plan
GCSE English speech – Craft 15-second mini-speeches
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