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Homophones examples – PowerPoint presentation for Years 3-6

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Homophones PowerPoint

Key Stage



Years 3-6


This engaging PowerPoint presentation contains lots of different homophones examples for KS2.

The visual examples are perfect for helping children to understand what homophones are and how a word which sounds the same can have other spellings and meanings.

It is colourful and stimulating and encourages interaction throughout.

What are homophones?

They are words which sound the same but have different meanings and different spellings.

Homophones examples

  • When I bake I use flour. In my garden I have grown a pretty flower.
  • My hair is getting long. It needs a cut. Outside I saw a hare jumping in the woods.
  • I can see the fish swimming in the sea.
  • The knight was ready to do battle. It was a cold, rainy night.
  • I put a leek in my stew. Then my tap started to leak.
  • If you drop your phone it will break. Squeeze the brake when you need to slow your bike down.
  • It was nice to have a little peace and quiet. The birthday cake looked delicious. I had a small piece.
  • We are going to meet at the cinema tomorrow. My dad cooked lots of meat on the barbecue.

Can your pupils think of any other words which sound the same but have different meanings?

Find more resources from Apple for the Teacher at Browse more Year 3 and 4 spelling list resources.

Homophones examples PowerPoint
Homophones examples – PowerPoint presentation for Years 3-6
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