This download contains the following four documents, as used by the Greenshaw Learning Trust and Henley Bank High School to co-ordinate its SEND provision and the roles performed by its TAs: • SEND Snapshot Concise advice for teachers on adapting lessons and instructions to best suit the needs of all learners • Principles of Intervention Checklist used to quality assure team-led interventions, completed half termly during 'developmental drop-in' meetings • Principles of MITA • Principles of MITA Framework based on Education Endowment Foundation's work on Maximising the Impact of Teaching Assistants; sets out quick observations that are used to identify existing TA strengths and actionable steps for them to work towards. • Blank MITA form Used by Henley Bank SEND team and class teachers to plan deployment of staff, so that all children's progress can be supported appropriately
KS3, KS4
Years 7-11
This download contains the following four documents, as used by the Greenshaw Learning Trust and Henley Bank High School to co-ordinate its SEND provision and the roles performed by its TAs:
• SEND Snapshot Concise advice for teachers on adapting lessons and instructions to best suit the needs of all learners
• Principles of Intervention Checklist used to quality assure team-led interventions, completed half termly during ‘developmental drop-in’ meetings
• Principles of MITA Framework based on Education Endowment Foundation’s work on Maximising the Impact of Teaching Assistants; sets out quick observations that are used to identify existing TA strengths and actionable steps for them to work towards.
• Blank MITA form Used by Henley Bank SEND team and class teachers to plan deployment of staff, so that all children’s progress can be supported appropriately

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