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Fraction arithmetic – SATs-style questions for KS2 maths

David Morse
by David Morse

Experienced maths teacher, examiner and resource creator

What's included?

PDF question and answer sheets

Key Stage



Years 3-6


Use these fraction arithmetic SATs questions at the end of a unit to test and extend students’ understanding, as well as help them to prepare for their exam.

These questions have fully-worked solutions. You can display these on a whiteboard, making feedback with students more efficient.

Example fraction arithmetic questions

There are 32 fraction arithmetic questions in total to try in the classroom. Examples include:

  • Tick two cards that give a total of 1/2
  • In this circle, we’ve shaded 1/4 and 1/6. What fraction of the whole circle is not shaded?
  • In this diagram, the number in each box is the sum of the two numbers below it. Write the missing numbers
  • Match each box to the correct number
  • There are 24 coloured cubes in a box. Three-quarters of the cubes are red, four of the cubes are blue and the rest are green. How many green cubes are in the box? We put one more blue cube in the box. What fraction of the cubes in the box are blue now?

David Morse has been a maths teacher for over 30 years, as well as an examiner. He creates lots of primary and secondary resources which you can find on his TES shop and on his website You can also follow him on Twitter at @maths4everyone.

Fraction arithmetic worksheet
Fraction arithmetic – SATs-style questions for KS2 maths
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