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Fraction images – Printable posters for maths classrooms

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PDF and PowerPoints

Key Stage

KS1, KS2


Years 1-6


These fraction circle images offer a clear, engaging way to help your students understand fractions from halves all the way to twelfths.

These posters show each fraction as a circle divided into equal parts, making it easy for students to visualise how each segment relates to the whole.

Fraction images

Many children struggle to grasp fractions when they’re first introduced, but a visual aid like these fraction circles can make all the difference.

By seeing how each part fits together, students develop a more intuitive sense of what each fraction represents.

Each fractions images poster breaks down a specific fraction (such as thirds or tenths) into equal sections, allowing pupils to easily compare sizes and understand the concept of equivalence.

These posters are perfect for maths displays, a dedicated fractions working wall or as a quick reference during lessons.

The simple, bold design and clear labels mean students can independently use these posters to solve problems or check their understanding. This supports both individual learning and group activities.

Use these fraction images in hands-on activities, like fraction sorting or comparison games, and watch your students build confidence as they interact with these visuals.

The Fraction Circle Posters can support any KS1 or KS2 classroom as students progress from basic concepts of halves and quarters to the more advanced divisions of ninths and eleventh.

These posters allow you to illustrate relationships between fractions, helping students make those all-important connections as they progress in their maths journey.

Primary Maths Hub was founded in 2022 by Sarah Farrell and Andrew Jennings and offers high-quality maths resources. Follow on X at @PrimaryMathsHub. Download free fraction bar model posters, a fraction wall display or a fraction number line.

Fraction images
Fraction images – Printable posters for maths classrooms
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