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The Fate of Fausto – KS2 planning for this Oliver Jeffers book

What's included?

PDFs and PowerPoint

Key Stage



Years 3-6

Explore the power of nature with the touching, intriguing The Fate of Fausto from master children’s author Oliver Jeffers…

What is The Fate of Fausto about?

“There once was a man who believed he owned everything and set out to survey what was his.” In The Fate of Fausto, Oliver Jeffers talks the reader through the power of nature and what is, ultimately, the feebleness of man.

Fausto is bursting with self-importance and arrogance and believes he can own everything.

However, his downfall is that he does not understand nature in the deep way he believes himself to. The story is combined with bold, stunning art and the pages hold their powerful prose in minimalist fashion, with only a few words committed to each one.

Why teach The Fate of Fausto?

For years now, Jeffers has been writing touching, moving and intriguing children’s books that can be used across the whole spread of primary ages. The Fate of Fausto stands up there with the best of them.

The book makes an incredible companion piece for the author’s Lost and Found. It also links well with plenty of classroom topics, such as geographical features, seasons and science – particularly to do with water and oceans.

Download includes

  • Three-page PDF book topic
  • Cover sheet explaining the resources
  • Resource 1: Do you ever truly own anything?
  • Resource 2: Standing trial
  • Resource 3: Become a reporter

Ashley Booth is a Y6 teacher in Toxteth, Liverpool.

The Fate of Fausto KS2 resources
The Fate of Fausto – KS2 planning for this Oliver Jeffers book
PrimaryEnglishGeography ...
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