This expanded noun phrases example download includes a poster and a phrase builder worksheet. Both resources make learning about expanded noun phrases engaging and accessible. Pupils will build confidence in their descriptive writing abilities.
The poster is a visual aid that will support pupils in understanding the structure of expanded noun phrases. It clearly demonstrates how to form these phrases using a determiner, adjective and noun.
For example, the poster breaks down “lots of yummy, cold ice cream” into its three components. This helps pupils see how each part contributes to the overall phrase.
This poster is perfect for classroom displays or as a reference during lessons. It gives children a clear and memorable model to follow.
Expanded noun phrases examples
To help pupils practise constructing expanded noun phrases, use the included sheet which provides columns of determiners, adjectives, nouns and preposition phrases.
Children can mix and match these to create their own phrases. For instance, they might combine “my”, “miniature”, “lettuce” and “on the table” to create “my miniature lettuce on the table”. This resource encourages creativity while reinforcing the grammar skills pupils need to master.
What are expanded noun phrases?
Expanded noun phrases are first introduced in Key Stage 1 and revisited throughout Key Stage 2. We teach them to help pupils add more detail and description to their writing, enhancing clarity and creativity.
The national curriculum specifies that pupils in Year 2 should learn to “expand noun phrases to describe and specify,” such as turning “the dog” into “the small brown dog.”
In later years, this foundation is built upon as students are encouraged to use expanded noun phrases effectively in more complex sentences.
The Teaching Couple have over a decade of experience in the education sector and provide advice and resources for teachers. Browse more expanded noun phrases resources.