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PrimaryArt & DesignEnglish

The Everywhere Bear – KS1 activities pack

What's included?

Ten-page PDF

Key Stage



Years 1-2


The Everywhere Bear by Julia Donaldson and Rebecca Cobb is a gentle story about a class of children who take home a toy bear each weekend and share photos of their fun times together.

This resource pack contains:

  • Warm-up games and icebreakers
  • Various exercises
  • Drawing your own bear and writing about their adventures
  • Colouring in

Example activity

Buzzy bees

Ask the group to buzz around the room like bees. After a few seconds, shout ‘FREEZE’. Ask the children to freeze as different characters from the play i.e. Everywhere Bear, Matt, Solomon Shriek, Mrs Bishop, cat, mouse.

This will encourage pupils to use their imaginations and deepen their understanding of the characters from the performance. Ask each statue to tell you who they are and why they are standing in the chosen pose eg “Why would Mrs Bishop stand with her hands on her hips?”

What is The Everywhere Bear about?

In the story, the new boy at school, Matt, accidentally loses the class bear. The majority of the story focuses on the bear’s journey and adventures. Finally, at a local library, they are reunited.

The Everywhere Bear is also a stage show, performed by Little Angel Theatre. Whether you’re seeing the show or not, this pack contain numerous ideas for classroom activities.

Little Angel Theatre in Islington is a home for puppetry and innovative theatre. It works with its local, diverse community to break down barriers to arts engagement so all can benefit and enjoy this remarkable art form.

The Everywhere Bear KS1 activities pack
The Everywhere Bear – KS1 activities pack
PrimaryArt & DesignEnglish
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