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Equivalent fractions worksheet – Practice and problems for KS2

What's included?

Three PDFs

Key Stage



Years 3-6


This White Rose Maths equivalent fractions worksheet pack offers a comprehensive array of exercises and challenges. These will enhance pupils’ understanding of equivalent fractions.

Within this pack, students will encounter a diverse range of activities. These aim to reinforce pupils’ grasp of this fundamental mathematical concept.

In the first worksheet, learners are tasked with identifying fractions equivalent to those provided. They need to illustrate the equivalence of fractions such as 1/2 and 5/10 through diagrams. This fosters a visual understanding of fractional relationships.

Students also need to engage with diagrams to work out three sets of equivalent fractions, further solidifying their comprehension.

Next, the equivalent fractions worksheet prompts pupils to work out fractions equivalent to specified values, such as 1/4 and 6/20. Children need to circle the corresponding counterparts.

After this, learners need to complete a series of fractions by determining the missing numerical components. This consolidates their proficiency in fraction manipulation.

Equivalent fractions worksheet problems

In the second worksheet, pupils will work through five distinct problems. They need to identify missing values within fractional expressions.

These exercises serve to hone students’ analytical skills while reinforcing their ability to identify equivalent fractions in different contexts.

The final problem asks learners to evaluate a statement regarding equivalent fractions, requiring them to justify their response with a reasoned explanation.

The third worksheet offers a variety of activities that will help children better understand equivalent fractions.

By engaging with these equivalent fractions worksheets, students not only deepen their understanding of equivalent fractions but also develop essential problem-solving and critical thinking skills integral to their mathematical literacy.

White Rose Maths provides high-quality, research-driven maths resources to support teaching and learning. Follow on Twitter at @whiteroseed. Learn how to recap equivalent fractions in KS2 by getting active.

Equivalent fractions worksheet
Equivalent fractions worksheet – Practice and problems for KS2
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