‘Equally Safe’ was developed to support settings and schools to respond effectively to prejudice-related incidents.
This document is underpinned by a commitment to working in partnership with school leaders to ensure safe learning for every child, and an education free of discrimination and harassment.
This guidance will help support schools to meet the Public Sector Equality Duty of the Equality Act 2010 which requires schools to have due regard for the need to eliminate discrimination, promote equality of opportunity and foster good relations, and to meet requirements with regard to behaviour and safety as outlined in the Ofsted Inspection Framework.
This publication offers practical advice and support, enhancing the very good work that many schools are already doing in this area.
Its guidance will help headteachers, senior staff, practitioners and governors identify further ways of developing their policy and practice in this important area.
EqualiTeach is a not-for-profit organisation providing high-quality, interactive training and support on issues of equality, diversity and inclusion for education settings. Get more great resources from EqualiTeach here and on its website, equaliteach.co.uk, you can also follow on Twitter at @EqualiTeach.