This Easter maths activity sheet for KS1 pupils features an engaging Easter theme. The task involves a series of colourful egg baskets. Each basket contains one number and one blank space beneath it.
Pupils need to fill in the blanks by entering the missing numbers. When added together, the two numbers below each basket should equal 10.
The activity is aimed at reinforcing early number bonds to 10, an essential mathematical concept for young learners.
By practising these foundational addition skills in a fun and visually appealing way, pupils can build their confidence in working with numbers.
Easter maths worksheet
The Easter-themed design, featuring bunnies, colourful eggs and baskets, makes the learning process more engaging and helps capture pupils’ attention, motivating them to complete the task with enthusiasm.
Use this worksheet as part of a maths lesson or as a standalone activity during the Easter season. You can also use it as a quick warm-up exercise or homework task.
The simplicity of the task ensures that all pupils can participate, while the repetitive nature of the number bond practice helps solidify their understanding of how numbers combine to make 10.
For those who need more support, think about providing a number line. For pupils who are ready for more of a challenge, extend the activity by using larger numbers or introducing subtraction.
Browse more Easter ideas for schools.