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Story sequencing – KS1 drama lesson plan about fables

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PDF lesson plan

Key Stage



Years 1-2


Use drama techniques in KS1 to explore the ‘Tortoise and Hare’ fable, thinking about story sequencing, characters and themes.

Drama provides children with a fun, practical and meaningful way of exploring the world. For young children, stories in particular help them to learn important lessons from the actions of others.

In this lesson, which is based on the fable of the tortoise and the hare, children will undertake practical activities in small groups, demonstrating an awareness of story sequence, characters, themes and drama techniques.

They’ll have a go at tableau and narration by acting out the story, and will also learn to critique each other’s performances in a productive and sensitive way.

Learning objectives

  • Identify key moments within a text
  • Use drama techniques to explore a story
  • Create role play that includes narration, and which balances dialogue with action
  • Evaluate drama critically but empathetically

Starter activity

Read or play the class the story of The Hare And The Tortoise. This is freely available online, including on the BBC Teach website.

Discuss the main sequence of events. How do the class feel about the actions of each of the main characters in the story? Is there a moral to the tale? What other lessons might we learn from it?

Other than the hare and the tortoise, what other animals feature in the story? Could there be additional animals added to a dramatisation?

Tom Kirkham is the publishing director of The School Musicals Company and a qualified teacher of English and drama. Follow him on X at @musicalsco. Browse more traditional tales resources.

Story sequencing KS1 drama lesson plan
Story sequencing – KS1 drama lesson plan about fables
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