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Drama activities KS2 – Playful improvisation exercises

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2-page PDF

Key Stage



Years 3-6

Bring more drama (the good kind) into the classroom with these drama activities for KS2. Exploring improvisation is lots of fun and involves games, acting, thinking on one’s feet, and surprises.

Some children might find improv difficult to start with, as they are encouraged to perform and share the first thing that pops into their head. But once everyone gets into the swing of it, there will likely be lots of laughter, and strengthened connections between pupils. 

Drama activities KS2 objectives

  • To build confidence to perform in front of others 
  • To trust their intuition and creativity 
  • To work in teams 
  • To listen and respond to one another 

Start here

It’s good practice to start any drama class by creating a safe space. I normally lay down my two rules for drama, which are ‘be kind’ and ‘good listening’.

You might like to explain that the drama class is a judgement-free zone; there’s no such thing as a wrong idea in this lesson, unless it’s violent, or inappropriate.

In creating a safe space, you can also explain that you’ll never force anyone into improvising. At the start of any improv class, I always explain that it’s okay for anyone to say “pass” if they don’t want a turn while playing an improv game. 

Sam Marsden is the author of  100 Acting Exercises for 8–18 Year Olds and Acting Games for Improv. She has taught drama for many years in different settings.  

A two-page KS2 drama lesson plan
Drama activities KS2 – Playful improvisation exercises
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