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PrimaryDesign & Technology

Inventors and inventions KS1 – Rapunzel DT lesson idea

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PDF lesson plan

Key Stage



Years 1-2

In this inventors and inventions KS1 DT lesson, pupils will learn about the invention process and how inventions solve problems.

Bring this to life with a real problem faced by a character in a familiar story – Rapunzel. Through the design process pupils will generate ideas and communicate them with others.

This lesson covers several sections of the D&T curriculum, involves minimal equipment and is easy to integrate into your class topic or book.

As pupils practise their invention and design skills, they’ll also be developing their collaboration, creativity and problem-solving skills.

Inventors and inventions KS1 learning objectives

  • Learn what an invention is and that they can solve problems
  • Empathise with a character to identify a problem
  • Design an invention with a user in mind
  • Communicate and evaluate design ideas

Starter activity

To introduce the concept of an invention, explain that inventions are things that humans make. Check understanding with a quick thumbs up/thumbs down ‘Is it an invention?’ game, giving examples such as:

  • a chair
  • the sea
  • a computer
  • a dog

Inventors and engineers design inventions to solve problems. Explain that your problem is that it’s raining outside and you don’t want to get wet.

What invention can pupils think of to solve your problem? Discuss that more than one invention can solve the same problem. Try again with a few more problems.

Laura Cross runs Inventors & Makers which offers after-school classes and workshops teaching STEM in primary schools and online.

Inventors and inventions KS1 lesson plan
Inventors and inventions KS1 – Rapunzel DT lesson idea
PrimaryDesign & Technology
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