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English Language paper 2 question 3 – Language analysis lesson

What's included?

Crime and punishment article and PowerPoint presentation

Key Stage

KS3, KS4


Years 7-11


This fully resourced and differentiated lesson helps students to approach AQA English Language Paper 2 Question 3, which focuses on language analysis.

It’s ideal preparation for both KS3 and KS4 students getting ready for Writers’ Viewpoints and Perspectives.

The download contains a one-page article about monitoring offenders. The accompanying PowerPoint asks pupils to spot language techniques in the article. There is then a short language analysis task to complete, before students self-assess and complete a plenary.

Learning outcomes

  • Describe different language techniques and their effects
  • Explain how a writer uses different language techniques
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of your explanations using success criteria

What does the GCSE English Paper 2 Question 3 require students to do?

GCSE English Language Paper 2 Question 3 requires students to analyse how a writer uses language to create effects and influence the reader. This involves:

  1. Identifying language features: Point out specific language features like similes, metaphors, alliteration, imagery, tone, and sentence structure.
  2. Explaining effects: Discuss how these features affect the reader, such as creating mood, emphasising points, or shaping thoughts and feelings.
  3. Using evidence: Provide relevant quotations from the text to support your analysis.
  4. Analysing in detail: Explain how the chosen quotations contribute to the overall effect and meaning.
  5. Structured response: Present your ideas clearly and logically.

This question usually carries 12 marks and requires a detailed and well-organised response.

You can find more resources from Lead Practitioner on his website at Browse more GCSE English Language revision resources and download AQA English Language Paper 1 and 2 revision booklets.

English Language paper 2 question 3 resource
English Language paper 2 question 3 – Language analysis lesson
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