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Comprehension worksheets – Non-fiction and fiction for Y1-6

What's included?

12 PDF packs

Key Stage

KS1, KS2


Years 1-6


Ideal for KS1 & KS2 SATs practice, these high-quality comprehension worksheets from the Comprehension Ninja series are rich in vocabulary.

The fiction worksheets cover a wide variety of genres, including classic and contemporary stories and traditional tales.

Fiction comprehension worksheets

The non-fiction comprehension worksheets feature texts with strong links to the national curriculum. This means you can develop reading skills during foundation subject time and support pupils’ understanding of your topic.

Non-fiction comprehension worksheets

These engaging resources will help pupils practise comprehension strategies. Each comprehension text is followed by eight pages of questions. Question types on the comprehension worksheets include:

  • skim and scan – this gives pupils a much higher chance of locating the information they require
  • true or false – younger year groups start with yes or no, before progressing to true or false
  • find and copy – use keywords to locate the correct area of text then find and copy the correct word
  • fill in the gap – pupils need to locate sentences and identify missing words
  • sequencing – sorting information so it is in the order it occurs in the text
  • multiple choice – can pupils prove it by finding the exact information in the text?
  • labelling – identifying keywords in the text or question is essential here
  • matching – draw lines to match associated pieces of information
  • highlighting – locate words based on an explicit definition

Comprehension worksheets

Year 1

Blackbeard the Pirate by Adam Bushnell (fiction: adventure)

Super Senses (non-fiction)

Year 2

Go Girl and Captain Know It All by Adam Bushnell (fiction: adventure)

Living Underground (non-fiction)

Year 3

An Unusual Cake by Adam Bushnell (fiction: dialogue)

On Rocky Ground (non-fiction)

Year 4

Coming to England by Floella Benjamin (fiction: extract)

Pharaohs and Mummies (non-fiction)

Year 5

Hansel and Gretel by Adam Bushnell (fiction: traditional tale)

Fair Trade (non-fiction)

Year 6

The Cadwaladr Quests 1: Tangled Time by S.L. Ager (fiction: extract)

World War 1: Bombardment (non-fiction)

The Comprehension Ninja series has been designed to be an essential resource for teaching reading comprehension skills and building pupil confidence. The books focus on information retrieval, using core comprehension skills that underpin the reading domains set out by the national curriculum. Browse the entire Comprehension Ninja Fiction & Poetry and Comprehension Ninja Non-Fiction collections.

Comprehension worksheets
Comprehension worksheets – Non-fiction and fiction for Y1-6
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