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Britain geology map – Colour-in worksheet for KS2

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Key Stage



Years 3-6


Download this free colour-in geology map of Britain and Ireland to help students learn about the eras of the Phanerozoic Eon and the Late Proterozoic Eon.

You can also use this geology map of Britain to help pupils learn when the sedimentary rocks of the UK and Ireland were formed.

The worksheet also explains how we group together periods into eras. Periods are the basic unit of geological time. Major geological events, such as a mass extinction, separate them.

Age in millions of yearsEraPeriodSedimentary rock type
up to 66CenozoicQuaternary (part)

Mainly clays and sands
66 to 252MesozoicCretaceous


Mainly chalk, mudstones and sandstones

Mainly limestones and mudstones

Mudstones, sandstones and conglomerates
252 to 419Late PalaeozoicPermian


Mainly magnesian limestones, mudstones and sandstones

Limestones, sandstones, shales and coal seams

Sandstones, shales, conglomerates, slates and limestones
419 to 541Early PalaeozoicSilurian


Shales, mudstones, sandstones; some limestones

Mainly shales and mudstones; limestone in Scotland

Mainly shales, slate and sandstones; limestone in Scotland
541 to 1000Late ProterozoicLate PrecambrianMainly sandstones, conglomerates and siltstones

The British Geological Survey is the UK’s premier provider of objective and authoritative geoscientific data, information and knowledge. Browse more resources from BGS. Visit its website at You can also follow on X at @BritGeoSurvey.

Britain geology map for KS2
Britain geology map – Colour-in worksheet for KS2
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