Years 3-6
You can use this climate change KS2 scheme of work from Wicked Weather Watch as a complete resource over six (or more) weeks. Alternatively, use individual activities on their own or to support your teaching of other themes or subjects.
This download PDF provides an overview of the scheme, and you can download individual resources for free on the Wicked Weather Watch website.
KS2 themes
- Explorers/invaders
- Cold environments
- Living on an island/island life
- Europe
- North America
More resources
This download also contains the following climate change KS2 resources:
- ‘What is climate change?’ PowerPoint
- Awesome Arctic experiments: Less snow and ice means a warmer world
- Awesome Arctic experiments: Rising sea levels
- Awesome Arctic experiments: Ocean currents and climate change
- Greenland climate changes infographic
- ‘Grolar bear or pizzly?’ info sheet
- Polar bear quiz
Subjects covered
Lead subject: Geography
Other subjects: English/literacy, drama, art, music, science, computing, D&T
Climate change KS2 learning outcomes
- begin to recognise and use some appropriate vocabulary to describe individual locations.
- show a developing awareness of more distant locations.
- recognise some physical and human features of the polar regions.
- respond to simple questions and make some deductions from resources.
- have an awareness of the inspirational value of such places.
Wicked Weather Watch (WWW) is a charity that aims to provide clarity for children and young people about climate change and global warming. Follow on Twitter at @WickedWeather1. Browse more ideas for Earth Day.