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Climate change activities KS2 – Changing the story

What's included?

Two-page lesson plan PDF

Key Stage



Years 3-6

This climate change activities KS2 PDF invites children to investigate stories of change from past to present as a stepping stone to creating their own stories about the kind of future they want.

What is happening to the planet can seem huge and unmanageable to both grown-ups and children. With care, however, we can help pupils start to get a handle on it.

This lesson plan draws on activities trialled with UK schools as part of a European project called ‘Change the Story.’ Other activities, including children’s stories, can be found on the project website.

Learning objectives

  • How the local area has changed
  • What these changes can tell us about the climate
  • How different people might feel about those changes
  • What this evidence tells us about the sort of shift that might be needed

Climate change activities KS2

Ask children what they already know about climate change. What are people doing and saying about it? What is the difference between weather and climate?

You might want to show a short online clip that outlines the basics. Schools involved in the project found this one especially useful.

Explain that change is always happening, but some developments are more helpful than others. What changes can children remember from their own experiences?

Guide them towards big things that have happened to them, such as a house move or the shift from infant to junior school. How did that feel? Did everyone feel the same about it?

Ben Ballin is a primary geography consultant, writer and sustainability education specialist. He is UK project worker for the Change the Story project, developing ideas with UK and European colleagues. Follow him on Twitter @BenMBallin. Browse more climate change resources for kids.

Climate change activities KS2
Climate change activities KS2 – Changing the story
PrimaryGeographyHistory ...
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