Word doc and PowerPoint
KS1, KS2
Years 1-6
This climate change assembly from fuel poverty and climate charity, Centre for Sustainable Energy, should take about 30 minutes to deliver.
You will need a projector to show the presentation slides and video, a globe, five blankets and a flipchart.
Begin by asking the pupils to explain what the word ‘climate’ means. Then ask what ‘climate change’ means. Explain that the video is going to give us some other children’s thoughts about these things.
The climate change assembly covers:
- Climate change and how it affects humans and animals
- What makes climate change worse
- Taking action on climate change
- Inspiring young people
Fuel poverty and climate charity, Centre for Sustainable Energy, helps schools and teachers to embed energy and climate education in their curriculum. Browse more of its free primary teaching resources. You can also look at more climate change resources.