Civil Rights structure strip and essay examples PDFs
Years 3-6
This resource looks at the question: ‘“Civil disobedience was more important than legal decisions during the civil rights movement.” Do you agree?’ for an end-of-unit essay.
- Over the last six lessons, pupils have learnt all about the civil rights movement in the USA during the 1950s and 1960s
- Pupils finish the unit by writing their own essay, allowing them to apply the knowledge that they have gained
- We advise taking one lesson to plan the essay, and two lessons to write it
- You can decide whether or not pupils have their booklet available as they write
- If pupils can write from memory it will be quicker, and more individual
- However we need to provide students with the scaffolds they need to all experience success
- The planning sheet below may be useful in helping pupils to chunk their ideas together into paragraphs
- You may like to print the ‘structure strip’ so that pupils can us the questions as prompts, if they are struggling to think about what to write
- For lower-attaining pupils, you may wish to use pictures or images in order as prompts for writing
- For higher attaining pupils, additional paragraphs may be required, and the essay specific vocabulary below could be incorporated
It also includes a selection of example essays.