This circuits KS2 6-week project is a cross-curricular unit covering science and DT learning objectives.
It offers an exciting and inexpensive opportunity for students to apply their scientific knowledge of electrical circuits in a real-world context, by creating a game for their peers to play.
Before beginning the unit, you’ll want to make sure that the children can name different household appliances that are powered by electricity. It’s also important that they understand how to work safely with electricity and electrical components.
Shoeboxes make an excellent base for the children’s games, so you’ll want to collect these, too.
Circuits KS2 learning objectives
- Construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts including cell, wires, bulbs, buzzers.
- Recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit, and associate this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit.
- Investigate a range of existing products; Communicate ideas through annotated sketches and exploded diagrams.
- Create a prototype and adapt own design as necessary; Understand and use electrical systems in their products.
- Use a range of materials and components to create a game with an electrical circuit.
- Evaluate products according to their own design criteria.
Abby Ball has sixteen years of experience working across the primary age range. She lives near Manchester with her husband and cat. Abby is on Facebook at abbyballwrites.