16-page questions PDF, posters, first steps worksheets, plus answers
Years 10-11
Circle theorems GCSE questions
This carefully selected compilation of circle theorems GCSE exam questions has fully worked solutions. Students can go through it at home, saving valuable time in class.
Print these questions as an A5 booklet and issue them in class or give them out as homework. You could also make them available for a student who wants to do focused independent study on this topic.
First steps in circle theorems
Also included in this download is a worksheet pack to help your students take their first steps in working with the circle theorems. These include ‘angles in the same segment’ and ‘angle at the centre’.
They give students an excellent base from which to move on to more difficult problems. Designed for secondary school students, you can use these sheets for work in class or as homework. They are also excellent for one-to-one tuition and interventions. Detailed solutions are included.
Circle theorems poster display
This poster for circle theorems provides a great reference for the main theorems. Give students the A5 version for revision and have a large version on the wall somewhere.
David Morse has been a maths teacher for over 30 years, as well as an examiner. He creates lots of primary and secondary resources which you can find on his TES shop and on his website maths4everyone.com. You can also follow him on Twitter at @maths4everyone. Browse more circle theorems questions.
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