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Books for topics KS2 – Embark on a top-secret mission with Maz Evans’ new novel

Key Stage



Years 3-6


Vi Spy: Licence to Chill is like gold dust for the classroom.

It has it all: comedy, mystery, spies, gadgets, explosives, secret villains – and bucketloads of emotion. It’s full of important, deeply-felt themes, woven together with heart and humour – so funny, at times, that children (and adults) won’t be able to stop laughing.

Not only that, but the unique, spy-inspired hook will challenge pupils to hone their comprehension and inference skills, and read like a spy on a secret mission.

Vi Spy is the story of Valentine Day – Vi for short – who is desperate to follow in her family’s footsteps and become a spy. But her overprotective mum, retired super spy Easter Day, has other ideas. Easter is about to marry Mr Sprout, giving Vi an unwanted stepbrother, Russell. But things don’t quite go as expected on mum’s wedding day.

Vi’s father Robert (who happens to be the second most evil villain on the planet, and long-presumed to be dead) makes a surprise appearance. But why is he back? And can Vi and Easter really believe him when he says he’s given up his life of crime?

With a host of no-good characters, including evil overlord Umbra, not to mention a pair of warring parents, it’s down to Vi to save the world.

This book is hilarious and gripping, but it also tackles issues that many children experience – divorce, friendship, bullying. It’s perfect for sharing in the classroom and there are lots of fun, spy-themed ideas that will prompt students to develop their reading skills and inspire their creative writing.

It’s time to begin their secret mission…

This download contains

  • PDF book topic with a range of activities

Jenny Baldwin is a former English teacher and founder of SHAPES for Schools. Visit Chicken House’s website for more resources and ideas for the classroom. Follow Chicken House on Twitter at @chickenhsebooks.

Books for topics KS2 – Embark on a top-secret mission with Maz Evans’ new novel
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