PDF and editable versions of blank lesson plan template
Early Years, KS1, KS2, KS3, KS4
Years R-11
This is a simple blank lesson plan template for teachers, student teachers and supply teachers to use when planning lessons.
There is a PDF version, suitable for making speedy handwritten notes, that can help teachers think through what they are doing and pass on the information necessary for their sessions to TAs and classroom support.
Also supplied here is an editable version, with notes on how to fill in the text boxes. It is a clear and easy-to-follow record of intentions for a lesson.
Blank lesson plan template
Headings include:
- School
- Class
- Subject
- Date
- Teacher
- Aims
- Subject criteria
- Key vocabulary
- Resources
- Introduction
- Main activity
- Plenary
Emma Middlemiss has over 20 years classroom experience and provides resources and activities that are tried-and-tested with actual children, and include national curriculum and EYFS links, as well as resource lists. Find more on her TES page dcukface.