Word and PDF versions of lesson plan and worksheets
KS1, KS2
Years 1-6
Looking for a homophones worksheet that will grab students’ attention? These free resources for KS1 and K21 are part of the Beano’s SPaG Lolz programme.
Homophones worksheets
The first homophones worksheet (differentiated for KS1 and KS2) asks students to complete a sentence by picking the correct answer from two homophones. Example sentences include:
- Dennis asked Gnasher if he __ go for a walk. (would/wood)
- Minnie the Minx went to hide in the __ . (would/wood)
- Dennis’ Dad looks just like his _. (sun/son).
The second worksheet asks pupils to match up the setup and punchline of jokes based around homophones. For example:
- When is the best time to buy a boat? When it’s on sail.
- Why was the cheese feeling ill? Because it didn’t feel grate.

The third worksheet (for KS2 only) encourages children to write their own homophones jokes and perform them to the class.
Accompanying homophones lesson plans
Both sets of worksheets come with accompanying lesson plans. The learning objectives are to:
- Understand that some words sound the same but have different spelling and meanings and these are called homophones
- Think of at least one example of words that sound the same but have different spellings
- Create a joke using homophones
There are starter activities, a main activity, extension work and a plenary, differentiation ideas and more.
There are 12 more Beano SPaG lesson plans available, all containing curriculum-linked presentations and worksheets. Browse more ambitious vocabulary resources.