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Speckle the Spider – KS1 cross-curricular planning ideas

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PDF of cross-curricular ideas

Key Stage



Years 1-2


A talent for tap dancing, an adventurous spirit and the ability to inspire reading and writing – introduce your KS1 pupils to Speckle, a very special spider indeed…

Look at alliteration, hold a class talent show and follow Speckle’s journey for worldwide fame through numerous countries in this KS1 book topic from Judy Clark.

What is Speckle the Spider about?

Emma Dodson’s eccentric book, packed with flaps and inserts to explore, follows the fortunes of a rather unappreciated spider, Speckle.

Desperate for fame, fortune and to thrill the world with his astounding razzle-dazzle dancing, he sets out on a journey of discovery.

Inspired by his friend Mr Flip Flap, the flea who is travelling the world with a flying circus to great acclaim, he leaves his home in the Bahamas (by banana boat, of course).

He’s on a quest to show the world how special he is. Obviously his brave optimism doesn’t quite go to plan…

Starter activity

We meet Speckle at Sunnyside School for Spiders. He’s forever in trouble for ‘poor spider skills’, too much dancing and not enough silk spinning. Pupils can read his actual school report written by his teacher, Miss Tina Tarantula.

However, despite a lack of appreciation, Speckle has a sneaking suspicion that he is a very special sort of spider.

Explore and discuss with the class what it is to be special. Do they think it is about having particular talents, like Speckle, or other personal qualities? Do the children think they are special and unique?

Design and write school reports for each other (hopefully not like Miss Tarantula’s), recognising the talents, abilities and personal qualities of peers.

Organise a class talent show and discover your class’s hidden talents. Writing invites to parents, designing posters and adverts to promote the show, or even filming a short, X-Factor-style trailer will inspire pupils to write for purpose and audience.

Speckle receives a letter from his friend, Mr Flip Flap, about his exciting life in the World Famous Flying Flea Circus. It comes complete with a promotional flyer.

Use the flyer with its alliteration, wordplay, rhymes and great design to model a promo for your show. (Dangerous Doris the Dung Beetle is probably my favourite act – or could it be Weevil Knievel…).

Judy Clark is primary adviser at the National Literacy Trust. She is also an English ITE lecturer, and Talk4writing Adviser, together with Pie Corbett.

Speckle the Spider KS1 cross-curricular planning ideas
Speckle the Spider – KS1 cross-curricular planning ideas
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